Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
Alternate Timeline

For years you escaped my justice. Sucked dry the bounty of Outworld's people. Today, your debt is paid.


—Kotal Kahn to Kollector


  • Mortal Kombat X: "Kotal was a young boy in the warrior realm of Osh-Tekk when it was conquered and merged with Outworld by Shao Kahn. He grew up admiring the Outworld emperor but kept hidden from him a secret portal to Earthrealm his people had established in their distant past. Kotal's "magical" appearances and demonstrations of great power in Earthrealm led its inhabitants to declare him a god, whom they called Buluc. After Shao Kahn was killed in the war with Earthrealm, Kotal served his heir, Mileena. But her instability eventually led him to overthrow her and assume the emperorship. Despite his current detente with longtime enemy Earthrealm, Kotal Kahn is still embroiled in conflict, as Mileena attempts to regain her throne through civil war."
  • Mortal Kombat 11: "Osh-Tekk warrior and Emperor of Outworld. Years ago, Kotal saved the Empire from chaos and claimed the throne of Kahn. Now his reign is plagued by rising tensions at home and abroad. Determined to keep order, Kotal wrestles with the temptation to exercise the same brutal tactics as his predecessors."


Kotal was once a general in Shao Kahn’s army, renowned in equal measure as a man of honor and an expert tactician. During his service, he fell in love with an Edenian woman named Jade, who came to be the only woman he ever truly loved. The emperor eventually betrayed Kotal and sent him to be experimented on in Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits, where he remained in captivity until Shang Tsung himself had been betrayed and murdered by Shao Kahn. But before Jade could reunite with Kotal, she was killed by a revived Sindel. This loss would impact Kotal for the rest of his life.

Mortal Kombat X (Comic Series)

Ages ago, Kotal Kahn's people resided in the realm of Osh-Tekk. Under the leadership of his father, Kotal K'etz, they ushered in an age of peace and prosperity that lasted until the arrival of Shao Kahn. He and Goro slaughtered the denizens of Osh-Tekk, with Kotal K'etz ultimately swearing allegiance to Shao Kahn. The Outworld tyrant allowed K'etz to keep his Portal Stone as a reward for his obedience, while a young Kotal expressed outrage at his father's surrender. K'etz tells his son that he can take over as leader of the Osh-Tekk once he fulfills the ancient rite of "realmwalk" by surviving the harsh environs of Earthrealm.

Kotal accepts his father's challenge and enters Earthrealm, traversing all manner of terrain before arriving at the Amazon jungle. The Mayan civilization reminds Kotal of his own home of Osh-Tekk, and while the Mayans fear him at first, they begin to worship him after he brutally repels an invading army of Spanish conquistadors. Convinced that his destiny is to save and protect the Mayans, Kotal stays with them and helps them drive off further attacks by the Spanish. The locals begin to revere him as Buluc, the War God, and emulate his penchant for devouring the hearts of their enemies.

As the Mayans begin running out of enemies to fight, however, Kotal begins to long for home and decides that it's time to return. Using the portal stone, Kotal returns to Osh-Tekk where he is confronted by his dismayed father. K'etz chastises Kotal for dooming the Mayans with his actions and demands that he give him back the portal stone, only for Kotal to slam him against a wall in a fit of fury. Deciding that he doesn't need his father's crown, Kotal returns to the Amazon jungle in Earthrealm. However, after many years of consuming human hearts, the Mayans contracted all manner of blood diseases and have begun dying off. A horrified Kotal leaves in shame.

As he matured, Kotal became part of Shao Kahn's army, eventually ascending to the rank of general. He worked with Reiko on several missions and came to respect his skill. As the emperor tried and failed to conquer Earthrealm, he ordered Kotal to kill Reptile for his continued failures in defeating the kombatants of Earthrealm. Kotal did sneak into Reptile's chambers, knife drawn, when the Saurian was supposedly sleeping, but chose not to kill him and left. Returning to Shao Kahn, he instead asked to take command over Reptile and have him join him. Shao Kahn, despite reservations, agreed and summoned Reptile to meet Kotal.

After the death of Shao Kahn, Kotal Kahn served under Mileena, who had become the new empress of Outworld by Shao Kahn's decree. However, Mileena's tyranny was even worse than her father's, nearly bringing Outworld to ruin. Kotal decided that it was time for new leadership and sought to become emperor himself, promising to chart a new course for Outworld. He quickly gained the support of Reptile and D'Vorah, and eventually Ermac as well. The Tarkatans, however, remained steadfastly loyal to Mileena, and Baraka would die at D'Vorah's hands while defending Mileena's rule.

Kotal usurped Mileena's title of Kahnum and forced her into hiding for ten years. He stood before the people of Outworld after taking the throne and declared his intentions to defend the walls of the city with his life, winning over the crowds. His first order of business, however, was to make amends with Earthrealm. He vowed to work with Raiden and Earthrealm in the Netherrealm War, and hoped their realms would remain cooperative after the war.

At some point during his reign, Kotal Kahn ventures into the Tarkatan wastelands and discovers the symbiotic duo Ferra and Torr being held captive by Tarkatans. Kotal freed Torr from his chains and, after freeing Ferra from her cage, proceeded to slaughter the Tarkatans. Kotal would then draft the two as his warriors, cooking and eating the slain Tarkatans over a fire before returning to Z'unkahrah.

Eventually, Mileena allies herself with the Red Dragon in the hopes of reclaiming her throne. Kotal responds by traveling to Earthrealm alongside two of his most trusted warriors, D'Vorah and Erron Black, and requesting the Special Forces' aid in flushing out Mileena. Sonya, who is still hostile to Outworld and distrustful of Kotal, has the three arrested and chained up in a secret compound somewhere. Kotal tries to make his case to Sonya, stressing the dangers of Mileena possibly regaining her throne.

Sonya dismisses the Emperor's pleas and believes he is threatening Earthrealm when he claims that Outworld's fate will be theirs if Mileena triumphs. D'Vorah, enraged by this disrespect, attacks Sonya, causing more Special Forces to charge in. An infuriated Kotal Kahn easily escapes his chains, proclaiming he did not come for kombat and once more pleads for an alliance to stop Mileena.

Kotal ignores Sonya holding D'Vorah hostage and draws his knife, infusing it with flames, and leaps at the Special Forces soldiers, declaring that he is done being threatened. Before the fighting can escalate further, Raiden arrives and orders the fighting to stop. Kotal warns that Earthrealm will suffer Outworld's pain before using the Portal Stone to return home. Raiden tells a retreating Kotal that he promised not to use the stone anymore, but Kotal snarls back that the thunder god swore their realms would cooperate after the Netherrealm War.

Days later, in the city of Z'Unkahrah, Kotal recounts the story of his past to a crowd of onlookers, including his father, Kotal K'etz, Erron Black, D'Vorah, and Reptile. He reminisces on how he deposed Mileena from the throne of Outworld and drove her underground a decade ago, with her threat to his empire now greatly reduced. However, as Kotal learned so many years ago, even the mightiest warriors can be defeated by the smallest threats, and so he vows to eradicate Mileena and her supporters, along with anyone else who would threaten Outworld.

Some time after that, Kotal Kahn stands before his people again, informing them of Goro's disappearance in the Golden Desert during his search for Mileena. He asks his father to oversee the mission to find Goro and Mileena, giving him custody of Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer for the mission.

As Kotal Kahn walks away, the people cheer his name, prompting his father to commend him for his popularity with the people. However, Kotal is more concerned about the trade route Reiko destroyed, and notes that the people will soon starve. K'etz reassures Kotal that his family is with him and that he will return Mileena in chains, but Kotal makes it clear Mileena is not the threat. Informing his father of Reiko's genius and the danger he poses after seducing Mileena to become her closest adviser, Kotal reveals their locations and orders K'etz to kill both of them, proclaiming that history is written in blood.

Later, Kotal Kahn is shocked and dismayed when his loyal follower, Reptile, informs him of his father's death at Goro's hands. Infuriated, Kotal draws his Kamidogu dagger, asking his departed father for forgiveness before cutting his chest. He binds his soul to the blood code, thereby empowering himself with Blood Magik which gives him the power to disarm Goro permanently.

Kotal Kahn heads into the Golden Desert on his personal mount, being closely followed by his chosen warriors in secret thanks to Reptile's cloaking abilities. When he spots Mileena's hideout, Kotal invokes his sun god power to call down a powerful stream of solar flames to burn the traitor, Rain, when he attempts to cut off the sun with storm clouds.

Kotal then dismounts and attacks the wave of Red Dragon mercenaries, slaughtering them all before demanding Goro face him in kombat. Goro mocks Kotal by claiming that Shao Kahn would never have allowed an Osh-Tekk on the throne, while Kotal questions him for serving someone as deranged as Mileena. An infuriated Goro hurls a fireball at Kotal, disparaging the emperor for reducing the proud Shokan race to mere "rat-catchers". A weakened Kotal chokes out that Goro killed his father and his people as Goro stomps down on Kotal's neck, proclaiming that he would have wiped out the Osh-Tekk years ago if Shao Kahn hadn't stayed his hand.

Kotal struggles as Goro lifts him by his neck and begins choking the life out of him, and the Shokan prince mockingly tells him to die with dignity as his father did. Enraged, Kotal kicks himself free from Goro and takes the former champion's arm with him. Taking up his sword, Kotal cuts off each of Goro's arms one by one, leaving the prince kneeling in defeat before the emperor. Kotal then orders Reptile and his warriors to drop their camouflage and attack, killing the rest of the Red Dragons.

Goro begs for Kotal to finish him, and while Kotal momentarily considers it, he chooses not to. Instead, he decides that leaving Goro in that state would be far more humiliating.

Later, Mileena's hideout is razed to the ground, but Reptile informs Kotal that both she and Reiko have escaped. Kotal assures his followers that the two can't hide forever before bidding them to return home to Z'Unkahrah. D'Vorah expresses her distaste for Kotal taking such a risk, and Kotal agrees that it was extreme, as the Blood Magic had left him in a weakened state. The emperor is then shot off his mount by an unseen attacker.

The attacker is soon revealed to be Sonya Blade. Accompanied by Special Forces, she demands the whereabouts of her daughter.

Left vulnerable by his use of the Kamidogu, D'Vorah and Reptile immediately rush to Kotal's defense. Before the situation can escalate any further, Johnny Cage intervenes and offers the injured Kotal medical treatment. D'Vorah refuses and uses worms to devour the bullet in his wound and seal it with a natural coagulate, which repulses Johnny. The emperor thanks his loyal warrior before declaring that he would only speak to Raiden's champion: Johnny.

The action star explains that his daughter Cassie and her friend Jacqui had been kidnapped by the Black Dragon. Kotal immediately remembers his prior business dealings with Kano, and suspects this to be the reason for the Special Forces' accusations. Insulted, Kotal explains his own recent loss and makes it clear that he would never hire Kano to kidnap children.

Johnny then shows Kotal the picture of Erron Black, and the emperor explains that Black is his liaison with the Black Dragon, with D'Vorah mentioning the frustration they all felt after the uneventful meeting with the Special Forces, believing Black may be acting on that. Though Sonya remains accusing, Kotal makes it clear he did not give Erron Black permission to take the girls.

At Sonya's insistence, Kotal tells her and Johnny that Black is currently securing the northern trade route and can be found there, sending Reptile and D'Vorah with them as guides. As a sign of good faith, Kotal shakes Johnny's hand to seal their accord.

Kotal Kahn sits on his throne with his chosen warriors around him in Z'unkahrah, while Erron Black kneels before him, begging the emperor for mercy. Kotal briefly muses over crushing Black's skull as his mercy, before explaining to the gunslinger that his misguided actions nearly caused another war that Outworld cannot afford. Kotal asks Black how they are to repair their offense against Earthrealm, and after observing Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage's grief over their missing daughter, orders Reptile and D'Vorah to return Erron to the dungeon.

Kotal rises from his throne and informs the Earthrealmers that Reiko and Goro wiped out the remainder of his people just to spite him. He continues, explaining that he is all that remains of his proud race. Johnny sympathizes with Kotal's loss, as the emperor now understands they'll do anything to bring their family home. Kotal knows all too well and offers them his swiftest ship to take them to Shang Tsung's Island, along with a battalion of his warriors, promising Johnny and Sonya that he will help them save their daughter and that Reiko will pay for his crimes.

When Sonya asks what the catch is, Kotal tells her they must survive the coming dawn and explains that after he defeated Goro, but did not give him an honorable death after stripping him of his arms, he returned the prince to his father, King Gorbak of the Shokan, expecting Gorbak to honor Shokan tradition and kill his son for his failure. But Kotal admits that he was blinded by his vengeance an overlooked a simple truth: That all fathers love their sons, and now Gorbak seeks revenge for his son's loss and the indignity of serving under an Osh-Tekk.

Kotal Kahn discusses his strategy for the coming Shokan siege with Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage, outlining his plans to protect the city's food stores in hope of starving out the Shokan. Sonya questions how many Shokan Kotal is expecting and the emperor admits he has no idea if their numbers have dwindled or multiplied. When Sonya postulates the possibility of over a hundred thousand Shokan, Kotal tells her if there are that many, he will challenge their champion directly to settle the matter in Mortal Kombat.

D'Vorah arrives to inform Kotal of the Shokan's arrival and Kotal heads out to watch their approach, bidding Sonya and Johnny after him. When Kotal sees the massive hordes coming over the mountains, he is shocked and horrified before telling his allies they need a new plan. Sonya asks how many Shokan there are, and Kotal admits there are fewer than he expected, but the Shokan have joined forces with the Oni Warlords.

Kotal Kahn observes the Shokan horde when he is approached by D'Vorah and Ferra and Torr. D'Vorah tells her emperor they are ready to parlay with the Shokan, and Kotal gives her a scroll with his terms, telling D'Vorah to be unwavering when she delivers them. As D'Vorah and Ferra and Torr leave, Reptile informs Kotal that their warriors will be ready no matter the outcome, and Kotal asks of the Earthrealmers, who Reptile says are proving useful.

Kotal Kahn observes the rampaging Shokan horde and Oni Warlords from a window in his fortress, and speaks to his departed father, quoting Earthrealm by declaring that the barbarians are at the gates. When Kotal sees King Gorbak among the Shokan, he admits he should have killed Goro, but allowed his vengeance to make way for his pride and now his father hunts him. Looking at his Kamidogu on its burning pedestal, Kotal Kahn asks himself how to stop an unstoppable army.

Later, Kotal Kahn joins the chaotic fighting in the streets, saving Sonya Blade from an Oni Warlord by carving part of its head off with his sword. Telling the colonel he is happy to see her for once, the emperor declares they have both received their sanguine baptism today while helping her up. Sonya tells Kotal that all her men are dead, believing Johnny Cage to be among the lost, and Kotal assures her he will help her find her daughter and claim vengeance when both spot a still alive Johnny racing towards them, the Shokan on his heels.

In the final hours of the Shokan siege, Kotal Kahn personally duels with King Gorbak, but is faring poorly, the Shokan king dominating their bout and mocking Kotal, calling him inexperienced and that his empire is slipping through his fingers. Kotal tries to reason with Gorbak, telling him his son was a pawn of Reiko and that they have always been allies, but Gorbak kicks the Osh-Tekk down and declares the era of Kahns will end today.

Kotal and Gorbak's duel take them further into the city, and Gorbak ultimately pins him against a wall, forcing Kotal's own sword into his shoulder. As Gorbak sneers in triumph, Kotal suddenly asks him the riddle he had been pondering earlier: How do you stop an unstoppable army? Kotal suddenly snatches Gorbak by his head, ripping off part of his face off as he tells him his answer: The same way as the undead, destroy the head. And with that, Kotal crushes Gorbak's head between his hands.

As the Shokan's headless corpse spews blood, Kotal calls out to the Shokan hordes and throws Gorbak's body before them, bidding them to hail to their king. This sends the Shokan and Oni Warlords into retreat, granting Kotal Kahn victory for now. D'Vorah approaches Kotal with a wounded Reptile, saying the emperor nearly sacrificed himself again to achieve victory, Kotal declares the Shokan will return tomorrow and if they are to win this war he is prepared to sacrifice far more.

D'Vorah understands he means to use more Blood Magik, and Kotal explains that tomorrow's victory must be achieved by force before ordering Reptile taken to the infirmary. Kotal says he will hear no more challenges until tomorrow and he will protect the capitol at all costs. When D'Vorah asks to guard him, Kotal instead orders her to honor his promise and take the Earthrealmers to Shang Tsung's Island to find their daughter and finish Reiko.

When Kotal returns to his chambers in his palace, he is enraged to discover his Kamidogu is missing and accuses D'Vorah of stealing it. D'Vorah professes her innocence, and Kotal throttles her with one hand before releasing her. Resigned, Kotal ignores D'Vorah's offers to help him find the dagger, explaining he can feel his connection to its power fading and declares Z'unkarah is doomed.

Visiting the ruined podium where he had once declared his intentions to protect the city to its people, Kotal Kahn recalls his promise and declares himself unfit to rule due to his inability to protect the capitol and resigns himself to dying as his duty. Reptile recalls his recruitment to Kotal and reveals he was always aware that Kotal was in his chambers to kill him the night before he was recruited to his side. After Reptile asks why he spared him, Kotal reveals that good spies are fine tools not meant to be spent to death matches.

Reptile tries to tell Kotal of his own value, but Kotal cuts him off and tries to leave. Before he makes it out, Ferra recalls how Kotal saved her and Torr from Tarkatans before recruiting them. Kotal tries to cut her off, but Ferra continues the story, and when D'Vorah asks what happened to the 'stabby men', Kotal answers 'dinner' with a smirk. His amusement is short-lived, though, as he demands that if they are truly loyal, they will leave him to his fate.

When Reptile tries to protest, Kotal shouts that they did not defy Shao Kahn as he marched to his death and he demands the same respect, inspiring D'Vorah to reveal her own reasons for serving Kotal so faithfully, saying she never respected Shao Kahn after he conquered her realm, but Kotal's inspiring of respect rather than fear in his subjects was what swayed her to his side. Kotal, though moved, says his sacrifice tomorrow will save thousands of lives and declares that to be leading with respect. Kotal Kahn then tells his warriors that they have all fought like Osh-Tekk and that his father would be proud.

Suddenly the capitol is struck by a powerful quake, and when Kotal believes it to be the Oni Warlords, he soon discovers it to be Kano with his fellow Black Dragons, who declare themselves the 'cavalry'.

Striking an accord with Kano for his aid to defeat the Shokan and Oni Warlord hordes, the next day when Kintaro returns with the horde, Kotal Kahn rides out on his mount with his warriors and the Black Dragon clan behind him, declaring that his empire will not be conquered. Before the two sides can clash, Kotal orders his side to hold and calls out to Kintaro, challenging the Tigar to Mortal Kombat to end the conflict honorably, but Kintaro refuses. Accepting this, Kotal calls to Kano, who sends out Tremor to use his earth manipulation abilities to unleash a quake that unbalances the horde.

Kotal expresses his respect to Kano, but asks why Tremor suddenly stopped. Kano explains quakes are an imprecise weapon and presents a new item with devastation and precision. Kotal is shocked when Kano uses the device to unleash a massive explosion that wipes out half of Kintaro's army, demanding to know what 'sorcery' Kano used, who explains it's science. When Kano reminds him that the Shokan never surrender and asks what the next move is, Kotal decrees that if the Shokan will not surrender, Kano is to finish them.

Finding Kintaro in the ruins of his army, Kotal holds his sword to the Shokan champion's neck and declares his uprising ends now before asking for his surrender. Kintaro adamantly refuses, which doesn't surprise Kotal, and Kintaro demands to be finished. Kotal seems to comply but instead sheathes his sword and ignores Kintaro's rage to explain that the Shokan were not his enemy until Goro contracted with Reiko and Mileena and he admits he has always admired the strength of his people.

Calling out to the Shokan, Kotal tells them that Reiko and Mileena are their enemies and asks that they join forces to kill them together. Offering a hand to Kintaro, Kotal Kahn tells the proud Tigar that he will never command him to surrender, only fight. When Kintaro grasps his hand to seal their accord, both sides cheer as the Shokan Uprising ends.

Afterward, Kotal meets with Kano and his Black Dragon warriors with D'Vorah and Ferra and Torr by his side. Though Kano believes the Shokan will turn on Kotal again, he says the emperor will be prepared with the Black Dragon, to which Kotal only grunts in response. When Kano demands payment in gold, Kotal tells him that he already owed a debt when he endangered his strategic alliance with Earthrealm and as such owes him nothing.

Kano says that nukes don't come cheap and Kotal retorts that neither do second chances and makes it clear he owes the Black Dragon nothing. When Kano suddenly pulls out the Portal Stone and admires the gem as he prepares to ransom it, Kotal flies into a fury at the sight of his realm's stolen treasure, and leaps clear across the room to punch Kano before breaking his arm to take back the Stone. When Tremor tries to come to his leader's aid, he is subdued by Sonya Blade.

With his foot at Kano's throat, Kotal makes it clear to Kano that the Black Dragon are not his ally, and owed his a debt that has been repaid, before ordering D'Vorah to take Kano and his clan to secure quarters in the dungeon. After D'Vorah and Ferra and Torr carry off the Black Dragon, Sonya asks if Kotal plans to execute them, and the emperor denies this, saying Kano must answer for crimes beyond his empire and tells Sonya he plans to turn him over to her after her daughter is rescued.

Kotal tells Sonya and Johnny that preparations for the ship have begun, and they will sail that night, revealing he will join them in defeating Reiko and the Red Dragon, saying their own alliance will be required to which Sonya agrees.

Kotal Kahn has slaves of his empire began loading provisions and weapons onto the ship that would see him, Sonya and Johnny to Shang Tsung's Island when he notices Sonya and Johnny standing by one of the crates. Calling out to them, he asks the colonel if there was a problem. Sonya denies any problem and Kotal offers to show the two to their quarters on the ship.

When the ship reaches Shang Tsung's Island, Kotal Kahn summons Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage to him, explaining that they will land at dawn, explaining the forests off the beach of the island are too dangerous to traverse at night.

Kotal Kahn leads Johnny and Sonya onto the beach, with D'Vorah and a troop of his soldiers accompanying them. when Reiko and his followers confront them, Kotal tells the former general that his war is with him and demands to know why he seeks further conflict with Earthrealm. Reiko then reveals his plans to merge Earthrealm and Outworld under his rule before revealing the girls to be under his control via the Blood Code.

Kotal Kahn and his forces face off against Reiko's on the beach of Shang Tsung's Island, with the battle kicking off by the girls attacking Cassie's parents. Kotal slaughters Red Dragon troops with ease with D'Vorah at his side, cutting them down with his sword and even ripping the heart of one of them out, all the while mocking Reiko for relying on them to fight his battles for him. While Reiko compliments Kotal's skills, he still mocks him by saying how proud Shao Kahn would be of him to see him destroyed before mockingly saying how disappointed his father would be to see him fall.

Infuriated, Kotal makes it clear to D'Vorah that Reiko is his, and the Kytinn chose to focus on Skarlet. Kotal charges Reiko with his sword drawn back, reminding the general on how he had always envied the power of the Kahn's. Reiko is able to block Kotal's swing and is unfazed by Kotal's kick, before shattering Kotal's sword with a single blow, all the while telling Kotal that he lacks the ambition for true godliness. Reiko strikes Kotal with an uppercut that knocks Kotal flat on his back and the emperor is momentarily pinned down.

As D'Vorah attempts to rush to her emperor's side, Reiko catches her in his grasp and tears her in two. Kotal holds D'Vorah's blood and some of her insects in his hand, greatly pained by the loss of one of his most loyal champions, though when Reiko offers him the chance to surrender and serve as his slave, the Osh-Tekk emperor rises back up, taking in power from the sun and reminding Reiko that he may have stolen his family, Blood Magik and comrades, but without Mileena's Edenian lackey, he cannot take the sun from him.

Drawing one of his sickles, Kotal Kahn renews his battle with Reiko, but just as quickly as it begins, both warriors feel and hear massive tremors shake the island. Turning to the beach, Kotal sees a second ship arriving beside his own, and while Reiko grins with excitement, Kotal curses them all as he watches Mileena charge the beach with her legions of Tarkata following.

Kotal and Reiko continue their battle, but when both witness Mileena defeat Skarlet, Kotal mockingly tells Reiko an Earthrealmer saying: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Reiko renews his attack with fury, pummeling Kotal Kahn into submission, and the emperor is saved by Mileena and Ermac's intervention. Though is Reiko is temporarily killed, Ermac states that the Blood Code will soon revive him, and Kotal is silent as Mileena holds her sai to his throat before agreeing to spare Kotal until they have finished Reiko.

Reluctantly standing with Mileena, sword drawn, Kotal Kahn watches as the Blood Code revives Reiko, admitting that while the power of it is inspiring, it has limits and consequences, revealing that if they push Reiko far enough, the power of the Blood Code will swallow his soul. When Mileena asks how to 'push him', Kotal clarifies that they must kill him...and keep killing him. Mileena is more than eager too, but Reiko renews his attack with blasts of Blood Magik and even throws Ermac at Kotal and Mileena before cutting both with Kotal's own stolen Kamidogu.

Reiko then reveals the supposed 'prophecy' told to him by a goddess of a culture he destroyed that promised his reign, though Kotal is hardly impressed, admitting that while it may be true that Reiko's blood will reign, it must first flow. Drawing power from the sun to ignite his sword in flames, Kotal Kahn cuts Reiko's legs off while Mileena disembowels him with one of her sai and Ermac telekinetically tears the general's head off, killing Reiko a second time. When Havik announces his arrival, Kotal calls to the chaos cleric, telling him his game ends here, only for Havik to reveal his trump card: A Blood Code possessed Raiden, who rains blood red lightning down on all on the island, Kotal among them.

Kotal Kahn is knocked unconscious by Raiden's lightning, and his body is collected by the Red Dragons and brought to the island throne room. There, Kotal's blood is drawn to be used as part of the ritual that will ascend Reiko into godhood. Kotal Kahn is conscious during this and sees the general become the Blood God after he drinks a goblet of blood and is stabbed by six of the Kamidogu.

As Reiko revels in his newfound godhood, he contemplates sacrificing Kotal Kahn and Mileena to himself, citing their failure to recognize his glory, but is spared this gruesome fate due to Havik intervening, suggesting they be publicly executed instead. Reiko would then sacrifice both Kotal Kahn's and Mileena's troops to himself, but soon his body began to tear itself apart, and Kotal Kahn would witness Havik tear Shinnok's amulet from Reiko's corpse, revealing the general to have been nothing more than the chaos cleric's pawn.

Kotal watches as Havik tests Shinnok's amulet on some spying Shokan scouts, and after the chaos cleric returns from dealing with Queen Sheeva's ship, Havik stands over Kotal holding one of the Kamidogu. Havik rants to Kotal, revealing how he tricked Reiko with nothing but words and the general's own ego and ambition to make him his slave, not magik. Havik raves about how all champions are afflicted by the delusion that history can be shaped by powerful individuals like themselves, before telling Kotal that history is shaped by larger forces, and declares the greatest of these to be chaos.

Explaining to Kotal that once Shinnok was defeated, they believed that they could enforce order, Havik declares that today they will learn that order cannot resist chaos, and neither can Kotal, just as Havik stabs the emperor with the Kamidogu. Kotal is freed from his bonds, his tribal marks glowing blood red along with his eyes, his will enslaved to Havik's. Declaring that chaos has no emperor, Kotal watches as Havik prepares to drain Ermac of his souls to empower the amulet so it can destroy Raiden's cosmic barriers barring Earthrealm from the Netherrealm, the chaos cleric has the hand holding the amulet severed by Takeda Takahashi, who has arrived with a serrated set of whips as his new weapons.

After Takeda defeats the possessed Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs, the Blood Code corrupted Kotal takes part in the all-out assault on the Shirai Ryu youth, landing a hard elbow blow to the boy's back while chiding him for being so overconfident in defeating 'rookies'.

Kotal Kahn observes as Havik tortures Takeda with Shinnok's amulet when his own warriors from Outworld arrive. Havik speaks through Kotal to greet them, and the emperor duels with Ferra and Torr, and D'Vorah at the same time, wounding Torr with his sword and punching D'Vorah across the jaw.

The possessed Kotal Kahn continues to battle with D'Vorah, completely oblivious to her pleas. The corrupted emperor eventually pins the Kytinn against the wall, his sword at her throat. Before he can kill her, Kotal is released from the Blood Code and Havik's control. Shocked to find himself in such a position, a confused Kotal demands to know what has happened.

As the warriors convene, Kotal stands close to Reptile and D'Vorah before conversing with Raiden. Interrupting Sonya Blade as she speaks with her daughter, Kotal apologizes as he tells her they need to discuss interrealm matters. Kotal notes he is pleased to see Sonya's family reunited, though when Sonya is quick to point out that her daughter's kidnapper is among the rescue party, Kotal tells Sonya that Erron Black's 'shock treatment' is punishment enough for his actions and states that if the gunslinger survives the journey back to Outworld he deserves a second chance.

Bowing before Sonya, Kotal asks if she agrees with him, and though Sonya is annoyed, Raiden is quick to ask of how Havik and Reiko had the manpower to accomplish their plans. Kotal Kahn reveals to the thunder god of Daegon and his Red Dragon clan's involvement, and after Raiden reveals to Sonya his and Kotal's discussions of an accord between their realms, Kotal says there will only be an accord if she agrees.

Though Sonya is perturbed by the idea of an alliance with Outworld, Kotal elaborates that it would be a non-aggression pact that would leave any collaboration at their mutual discretion. As a gesture of good faith, Kotal promises to return the W.M.D.'s he confiscated from Kano, and seals the accord with a handshake with Sonya. When Raiden presents Shinnok's amulet to the two and asks that one of them protect it, Kotal Kahn denies the responsibility, knowing Mileena has already fled and Outworld's civil war will resume and that the amulet will not be safe in his care.

Mortal Kombat X

After Shao Kahn’s death, Kotal serves Mileena as one of her counselors. He conspires with Reptile to remove her from the throne. As they convince D'Vorah to join their coup, they are confronted by Mileena and her followers.

Kotal tells her that they need to ally with Earthrealm against the Netherrealm, but she refuses to make peace with her father's murderers. He replies that she is endangering their realm, and Reptile reveals that Mileena is not Shao Kahn's biological daughter, but a genetic experiment created by Shang Tsung. Enraged, Mileena orders her Tarkatan army to attack, but Ermac soon betrays the empress, and Kotal and his allies defeat them and capture her. Kotal is pronounced as the new emperor, and he gains the support of D’Vorah and Ermac.

Five years pass, and one day Kotal Kahn rides with D’Vorah and Kano through the streets of Z'Unkahrah, discussing with the latter about using his resources in ending the rebellion, unaware that he had been hired by Mileena beforehand to eliminate him. Mileena’s forces stage a blockade of the emperor's carriage, and when D'Vorah leaves to inspect it, Mileena's forces attack.

As Kotal tries to see what is going on, Kano pulls out his knife and attempts to murder the emperor. A battle ensues, and Kotal Kahn emerges victorious. Kahn prepares to finish him off but is stopped by Tanya, who is serving Mileena in exchange for Edenia’s freedom, though she is bested as well. Spotting Mileena and Rain on the rooftops, Kotal Kahn teleports to them, killing several Tarkatans before knocking the rebel leader off the roof.

Kotal briefly talks with Rain over their respective claims to godhood before Kotal is kicked off of the roof himself by the Edenian half-god and the two then battle on the street. Defeating Rain, Kotal Kahn has Erron Black prepare to execute him but is stopped by Mileena, who proceeds to fight the emperor. Kotal emerges victorious and prepares to execute her with solar flames. However, Mileena manages to stop his attack with Shinnok’s amulet before collapsing to the ground, with Rain teleporting her away. Kotal is shocked by Mileena's new power, which killed several of his soldiers in the backlash.

Kotal later confronts Cassie Cage and her team after Kung Jin frees a bread thief who was sentenced to die. They inform him of the Outworld refugees in Earthrealm. However, Kotal Kahn suspects the team to be allied with Mileena, and he is angered when he hears that she stole Shinnok's amulet, when it was supposed to be under Earthrealm's protection.

Kung Jin tries to tell him that his team aren't against him and that they are only looking for the amulet. Kotal Kahn doesn't believe him, declaring that Kung Jin and his friends are allied with Mileena, and then sentences all four of them to death. Kung Jin challenges the emperor to a duel for the right of defense. Kotal Kahn is defeated and asks Kung Jin to take his life. But the Shaolin spares the emperor and asks for his cooperation in the search for the amulet. Despite D’Vorah’s protests, Kotal Kahn agrees with Kung Jin and they shake hands.

Upon learning of Mileena’s location from Kano, the team and Kotal Kahn’s army invade the Kuatan Jungle while D’Vorah and Cassie sneak into the rebel camp to reclaim the amulet. D'Vorah and Cassie are ambushed by Tanya, Rain, and Mileena herself, but all three are knocked unconscious by D'Vorah. Mileena is captured and brought to the emperor, who claims that she is unworthy to die by his hand.

He instead allows D’Vorah to unleash her flesh-eating parasites, which kill Mileena by devouring her face and innards. Cassie and her team prepare to leave with the amulet, but Kotal Kahn is unwilling to take any further chances by leaving the amulet in Earthrealm's care. He has them imprisoned and asks D’Vorah to hold onto the amulet. However, D’Vorah is actually a double agent working for Quan Chi, whose goal is to retrieve the amulet and free Shinnok from his prison.

After the team escapes from captivity, they defeat Ermac, Reptile, and Erron Black. As they come to, Kotal's allies proceed to inform Kotal Kahn of D’Vorah’s treachery, which saddens him. They are led to believe that D’Vorah is allied with Raiden and had rescued Cassie's team herself. In response, Kotal Kahn prepares his troops to invade Earthrealm and retrieve the amulet.

Sometime later, they arrive in Earthrealm, Kotal Kahn and his army find Cassie’s team, who are on their way to the Sky Temple. On his orders, Kotal's army chases them to the woods where they are ambushed. Kotal Kahn fights Takeda, who is trying to tell the emperor about Shinnok but to no avail. Jacqui then steps in and tells Kotal Kahn that Shinnok has the amulet and had infected Earthrealm’s life-force.

Seeing Jacqui speaks the truth, Kotal believes Earthrealm to be lost, and decides to kill the team to appease Shinnok so he can bolster Outworld’s defenses before the Fallen Elder God comes for his realm. Jacqui manages to defeat him, but his army surrounds her and her friends. However, they are attacked by the Lin Kuei, with Sub-Zero allowing the team to hurry to the Sky Temple. Kotal Kahn and his forces were driven back to Outworld by Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei warriors.

Mortal Kombat 11

Part 1: Mortal Kombat 11

As the Kahn of Outworld, Kotal Kahn begins his attempt to unify the realm, by removing all traces of Shao Kahn's past. He is about to watch Kollector's execution just as Kronika sends a time displaced Shao Kahn and others into the Koliseum. He is surprised to see Jade, but Shao Kahn demands his throne back and challenges him to kombat. Kotal is overwhelmed by the tyrant, but is saved by Liu Kang after Raiden decides it's best to help Kotal defend his throne.

A time-displaced Baraka then challenges Kotal to kombat, with Kotal expressing desire to see the Tarkatans destroyed. Kotal defeats him, but he is then dragged into the Beast Pens by a younger Skarlet, and defeats her. Jade soon comes in and the two share a kiss, with Kotal explaining how he was freed from the Flesh Pits following Shang Tsung's death. Soon after, a younger Black comes in, and Kotal sends Jade to help the Earthrealmers while he handles Black and wins.

Kotal Kahn eventually challenges his former master and defeats him. Shao Kahn's forces are defeated and the tyrant retreats after D'Vorah comes to his aid. Kotal is surprised to see Raiden, and tells him that he and Kotal joined together to fight Shinnok. But in victory, Raiden has become corrupt and lashed out at all realms he deemed a threat. Raiden and Kotal Kahn forge their alliance to battle Kronika and Shao Kahn. Knowing Shao Kahn will return to reclaim his throne, Kotal heads out with Jade and his escorts to find the Tarkatan refugee camp and capture him. On the way, D'Vorah ambushes them, but her ambush is repulsed.

They eventually arrive at the Tarkatan camp, where Jade suggests to take a few of his best warriors and infiltrate the camp. He agrees and loans her several warriors, but they're eventually compromised after running into a female Tarkatan. Kotal rushes to her aid, but he is intent on slaying all the Tarkatans. Jade is disappointed in his hardened heart and defeats him in kombat before he could threaten their safety, after which he is captured and sent to the Kolisseum for execution. Kitana, having gained the allegiance of both Baraka and Sheeva, attack the Kolisseum to save him. Kotal tries to fight Shao Kahn, but the tyrant proves to be too much despite his weakened state and breaks his back, crippling him. Kitana then defeats Shao Kahn and blinds him.

As Jade tends to his wounds, Kotal realizes he was in the wrong and asks Jade if she would still have him despite his hardened heart, which she accepts. With Shao Kahn defeated, Kotal decides to abdicate the throne to Kitana, because she had unified Outworld more than he had ever done.

Part 2: Aftermath

Following his disastrous battle with Shao Kahn, Kotal was sent to the Soul Chamber so his wounds would be healed. When Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Fujin and Sheeva arrived at the Soul Chamber to restore Sindel from being a revenant, they interrupted his healing process. Kotal was healed enough to walk again, but was not strong enough to stop the group from placing Sindel inside the chamber and he was defeated in battle by Sheeva.

Unlike the main story, Kotal is depicted here as having been healed enough to participate in the attack on Kronika's keep. En route, the ship Kotal was on was attacked by Shokan warriors led by Sindel and a healed Shao Kahn. Along with Jade, Kotal attempted to stop the two, but was easily defeated. Shao Kahn and Sindel went on to defeat Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Kitana, swaying Kitana's Outworld army to them. Following this, Kotal was executed by decapitation.


  • Mortal Kombat X (Non-Canonical): "Kotal Kahn returned to Outworld determined to rebuild his forces. But Raiden defeated him in a surprise attack and claimed dominion over Outworld. Desperate, the emperor called upon the Elder Gods to aid in preserving his sovereignty. They granted his request, invoking the most sacred of contests. Now once every decade, Kotal Kahn must enlist his greatest defenders to face Raiden's challengers... in Mortal Kombat."
  • Mortal Kombat 11 (Non-Canonical): "In her last moments, Kronika tried to tempt me. Spare her and she would re-write history. With Jade as my queen I would rule an eternal Osh-Tekk empire that spanned all the realms. But Kronika never understood the Osh-Tekk heart. Our lives are cloth, woven from choice and circumstance. Pull even one thread, that cloth is torn asunder and made worthless. Now that I am tasked with keeping time, others beg me to have their histories rewritten. But as long as the Hourglass is mine, I will not shape destiny in any one being's favor. History will play out as determined by its players. Let the sands fall where they may."