The Elder Gods' Arena, also known as the Elder Gods' Chamber, Chamber of the Elder Gods or the Hall of the Elder Gods, was a location that served not only as an arena between combatants, but primarily as a meeting place between the Elder Gods and their lesser but fellow deities. This grand arena-like chamber of supernatural origins took place during Shinnok's invasion upon the realms in Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat Gold.
This octagonal arena was filled with doorways from which the faces of the Elder Gods witnessed the battles between kombatants.
The players are fighting on a hard floor with red and white designs in the middle. There is a dragon logo, with a glowing red eye, on the center wall. To either side are short paths that lead to the bright blue, celestial faces that light the room. On the far sides are walls with blue stars. Opposite the center wall is a large dark path sloping upward, with blue faces on either side of it.